Weather Related Extensions
Pursuant to A.R.S § 3-1086 the Arizona Cotton Research and Protection Council may grant extensions of the tillage deadline for individual cotton producers when a qualifying weather event has delayed or prevented compliance as outlined in A.A.C. R3-9-303.
A weather event is qualifying when there has been “substantial interference with post-harvest activities to detach the cotton root from the soil caused by significant rain or moisture or by sustained winds within an established PM10 non-attainment area.”
To apply for an extension, submit the following information:
- The producer’s name, address, and telephone number
- The registered Farm Service Agency (FSA) farm names of the farms for which the extension is requested
- The legal description of the fields or an accurate scale farm map of the fields for which the extension is requested
- A detailed description of the qualifying weather events supporting the extension request, including the dates of the events. (Examples: Arizona Meteorological Network precipitation data, National Weather Service data or similar)
- The number of days requested as an extension of the tillage deadline
- The estimated date of completion.
The extension request must be postmarked a minimum of one business day prior to the tillage deadline to be considered. Incomplete extension requests will be returned with a written explanation of the deficiencies. Corrected extension requests must still be submitted a minimum of one business day prior to the tillage deadline.
To: Mark Killian, Director
Arizona Cotton Research and Protection Council
3721 E. Wier Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85040
In addition to mailing an application, which must still be postmarked a minimum of one business day prior to the tillage deadline, cotton producers may fax extension applications to (602) 438-0407 or email copy of the application to the Council Staff Director at [email protected] to notify of the extension request.
The Council Staff Director may grant, amend or deny a request based on information provided. The Director will then issue a written notice granting or denying the extension request within ten business days of receipt.
Blanket Extensions: The Council, by vote, may authorize a blanket weather-related extension by county, cultural zone or a subset of either based on an area-wide qualifying weather event or events.