

Weather Related Extensions


Pursuant to A.R.S § 3-1086 the Arizona Cotton Research and Protection Council may grant extensions of the tillage deadline for individual cotton producers when a qualifying weather event has delayed or prevented compliance as outlined in A.A.C. R3-9-303.

A weather event is qualifying when there has been “substantial interference with post-harvest activities to detach the cotton root from the soil caused by significant rain or moisture or by sustained winds within an established PM10 non-attainment area.”

To apply for an extension, submit the following information:

  1. The producer’s name, address, and telephone number
  2. The registered Farm Service Agency (FSA) farm names of the farms for which the extension is requested
  3. The legal description of the fields or an accurate scale farm map of the fields for which the extension is requested
  4. A detailed description of the qualifying weather events supporting the extension request, including the dates of the events. (Examples: Arizona Meteorological Network precipitation data, National Weather Service data or similar)
  5. The number of days requested as an extension of the tillage deadline
  6. The estimated date of completion.

The extension request must be postmarked a minimum of one business day prior to the tillage deadline to be considered. Incomplete extension requests will be returned with a written explanation of the deficiencies. Corrected extension requests must still be submitted a minimum of one business day prior to the tillage deadline.

To: Mark Killian, Director
Arizona Cotton Research and Protection Council
3721 E. Wier Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85040

In addition to mailing an application, which must still be postmarked a minimum of one business day prior to the tillage deadline, cotton producers may fax extension applications to (602) 438-0407 or email copy of the application to the Council Staff Director at [email protected] to notify of the extension request.

The Council Staff Director may grant, amend or deny a request based on information provided. The Director will then issue a written notice granting or denying the extension request within ten business days of receipt.

Blanket Extensions: The Council, by vote, may authorize a blanket weather-related extension by county, cultural zone or a subset of either based on an area-wide qualifying weather event or events.