
The Plower Program

The Plower Program plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and productivity of Arizona's cotton industry. By effectively suppressing cotton pests and insect vector plant diseases, it helps protect cotton crops from significant damage and ensures a sustainable cotton production system.

The Plower Program has established specific guidelines for crop destruction that growers must adhere to. Growers must complete plow down activities according to these guidelines. Once the plow down activities are completed, a field supervisor will conduct an inspection to confirm that the plow down guidelines have been met. This inspection ensures that the necessary steps have been taken to suppress the population of cotton pests and prevent the spread of insect vector plant diseases.

Grower Procedures

When a grower has met all of the requirements for plow down, as referenced in R3-4-204, a grower needs to call the Plower Hotline or fill out the online form to request an inspection for certification of their farm prior to the deadline.

You will be asked to provide:

  1. The county which your cotton is grown
  2. FSA Farm Number
  3. The Gin you plan to use
  4. Farm Name
  5. Contact Number
  6. Email Address

Each week, requests for inspection are e-mailed to our supervisors. They will check your field as time permits. Once compliance is verified, certification numbers will be sent to the gins on a weekly basis.

State Regulations