AF36 Science
Purity Prevails.
Aspergillus flavus AF36 Prevail, is a biological control product for the displacement of aflatoxin producing fungi in agricultural crops.
Aspergillus flavus AF36 is a strain of the fungus Aspergillus flavus that occurs naturally in the soils of the southwestern United States. Aspergillus flavus AF36 is a living fungus growing on sterile seed which serves as both a carrier and a nutrient source:
Active ingredient: Aspergillus flavus strain AF36*…….……….0.0008%
Other Ingredients…………… ……….…..99.9992%
Total 100%
*Contains a minimum of 3,000 CFU/gram in the End Use Product
When properly applied, Aspergillus flavus AF36 competes with strains of Aspergillus flavus that produce large amounts of aflatoxin and in so doing limits the amount of these high aflatoxin producers that become associated with the crop.
Efficient manufacturing process is critical for a successful product. Spore suspension is prepared fresh daily for inoculation. The suspension is then screened for adequate spore load levels (Colony Forming Units/Gram). After suspension is applied to create the product, the final product is evaluated for sufficient sporulation growth.
In association with the production or manufacturing phase of AF36, every batch of product is sampled in both the intermediate and final stages of production. Evaluation of general and coliform bacterial levels to ensure final product remains below acceptable levels. All commercial batches tested are held for results before shipment can be released.
The purity of the batches being shipped has been verified by laboratory tests in which quality control procedures have been applied to verify purity and quality of this biocontrol product.
Aspergillus flavus AF36 Prevail as delivered in product form, contains only the pure culture AF36 on a sterilized milo carrier.